Re: MPSU07 and MPSU56/7

From: Rodger Boots <>
Date: Fri Apr 12 2002 - 16:03:21 EDT

"Bachmann, Joe C" wrote:
> If I can use a SK3199 for a replacement for a MPSU07, is there a similar,
> better replacement for the MPSU56/7?
> The SK3199 is a TO-202 package (I believe.) This makes it a much better
> replacement to the U07. Is SK3179 the compliment to this as the U07 and U57
> are compliments?
> Thanks,
> Joe

I while back I posted this (took me quite a bit of research time, so I'm
not about to re-research it) to here it is again:

Motorola "Uniwatt package" transistors
NPN PNP Amps Volts min hFE @ mAmps fT (MHz)
MPSU01  MPSU51  2  30   50 @ 1000  50
MPSU01A MPSU51A 2  40   50 @ 1000  50
MPSU02  MPSU52  0.8  40   30 @  500 150
MPSU03  --- 1 120   40 @   10  35
MPSU04  --- 1 180   40 @   10  35
MPSU05  MPSU55  2  60   60 @  250  50
MPSU06  MPSU56  2  80   60 @  250  50
MPSU07  MPSU57  2 100   30 @  250  50
MPSU10  MPSU60  0.5 300   30 @    3  45
MPSU45  MPSU95  2  40 4000 @ 1000 100
Maximum power = 10 Watts @ 25 degrees Celcius

Cross referencing
Motorola ECG or NTE RCA "SK"
MPSU01   188 SK3199
MPSU01A  188 SK3199
MPSU02   188 SK3199
MPSU03   190 SK9435
MPSU04   190 SK9435
MPSU05   293 SK3849
MPSU06   188 SK3199
MPSU07   188 SK3199
MPSU10   191 SK3232
MPSU45   272 SK9436
MPSU51   189 SK3200
MPSU51A  189 SK3200
MPSU52   189 SK3200
MPSU55  290A SK9132
MPSU56   189 SK3200
MPSU57   189 SK3200
MPSU60   240 SK9351
MPSU95   273 SK9437

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