Re: Atari Cat Box questions

From: Kev <>
Date: Fri Apr 26 2002 - 10:29:27 EDT

Yes the Z80 adapter was a card encased in a flat white case (could fit
inside the CAT). This plugged into the 50 edge connector & then had a 40
pin dip cable to plug into the cpu socket. It also had a toggle switch on
it. This was an Atari product. I've seen the paperwork for the Z8002 pod
too. I've only heard tell of the 6809 pod (but you'd need it for Star Wars,
perhaps Jed Margolin could comment?).

I belive in the back of the CAT pdfs you'll find notes on how to add the rom
checksum feature (was in the software but just requires an additional switch
on the box to use it).

The in-circuit checksum feature was probably the handiest use.


> Adapter ? What I have now is the edge card connector that you plug onto
> the gameboard. Did Atari or someone else make an adapter that then
> allowed you to plug the CAT box into a PCU socket or something ?
> Tell me more about this checksum feature... the manual, and nothing on the
> CAT box itself seems to indicate anything about checksumming.... I assume
> that you do refer to checksumming the ROMs ???
> -- Curt

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