A few months ago a bought a Rip Off board and control panel from Ebay.
I modified the control panel slightly so that it could rest on top of my
Star Castle control panel. I want to be able to swap the Star Castle
board every once in a while in order to play Rip Off. Rip Off actually
works will with the Star Castle gel overlay.
Anyway, I needed to lengthen the ribbon cable from the Rip Off CP to the
CPU board because it wouldn't reach far enough. So I bought a normal 26
pin ribbon cable with a simple 26 pin adapter.
For some reason the controls won't do anything. I've checked the
continuity from one end of the cable to the other and their fine. I'm
even reading +5v volts on the control panel circuit board coming from
the CPU. I even flipped the ribbon cable around to make sure it isn't
Any guesses on why doubling the length of the control panel ribbon cable
would be a problem? Too much resistance maybe?
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