Ok guys, let's not piss Wintron off...
A 10% price break for a 'bulk' buy such as this is pretty reasonable.
Looking at it from their perspective -- they are a manufacturer that
presumably has *plenty* of other business besides our beloved HVT. They
are not collectors, and probably don't really care about our restorative
efforts. As for their warranty -- 1 year is standard, and for something
that gets abused as much as vector HVTs, I'd say that is damn good.
So, let's make sure that we don't start taking shots at Wintron, we
don't need to piss them off and have them stop manufacturing them all
together. Honestly, I think the *best* thing that we could do as a
vector community would be to do a group buy at LIST PRICE to show our
support and thanks for them manufacturing this product. As soon as they
stop manufacturing these units, *that* is when they are going to really
get expensive.
If you are interested, I'd be more than happy to organize a group buy at
list price, and we can send them a signed thank you card from the vector
community. Any takers?!
--- Bret Pehrson http://www.vaps.org/members/nv/bret@classicade.com.html mailto:bret@classicade.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** To UNSUBSCRIBE from vectorlist, send a message with "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the ** message body to vectorlist-request@synthcom.com. Please direct other ** questions, comments, or problems to neil@synthcom.com.Received on Thu Apr 11 16:34:56 2002
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