WTB/Trade for start button bezel.

From: James G Watt <kinetic-arts_at_ntlworld.com>
Date: Tue Apr 30 2002 - 11:41:25 EDT

I'm after one of those cone shaped bezels for my tempest cabaret. I only
need the one (the taller version with the rough texture). Anyone got one
to trade?

I'm also after a couple of start buttons and all internal parts
including power supply, wiring harness and PCBs for the tempest if
anyone can help out?

Whilst I'm at it .. if anyone's got the metal top trim from a cabaret
asteroids or missilecommand I could use that too.

I've got a few odds and sods to trade including:
 1 or 2 missilecommand buttons (with the smaller smooth bezel),
battlezone cabaret cp (in rough shape), missilecommand cabaret cp (also
heavily worn), battlezone cabaret marquee, asteroids deluxe cabaret
marquee, partial battlezone cabaret loom (110vAC wiring missing. The
rest is there), atari coin door (type you get in the asteroids,
missilecommand, bz), BattleZone PCB sets (maybe) and a Red Baron vg
board. OH and there's always cash.

James G Watt
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Received on Tue Apr 30 08:52:55 2002

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