FS: Quantum marquees

From: tom mcclintock <tomm_at_mgcap.com>
Date: Mon Apr 29 2002 - 17:01:57 EDT

Is there any interest in a Quantum marquee _translite_ reproduction?
These would be just like the War of the Worlds marquees I printed last
year. These are not glass or plexi, but rather a duratran or translite
material, so you would have to sandwich it between two pieces of glass
or plexi (I would suggest glass). Check here if you want to see the WotW


The artwork is completely redraw (mostly by Roy Kaplan!), so no worries
that it will look like a photocopy.

I'm thinking the price would be about $25 each plus shipping, so let me
know. If I can touch up the artwork, I plan on printing some Zektor
marquees as well, but probably later this year.

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Received on Mon Apr 29 14:07:04 2002

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