Atari Cat Box questions

From: Curtis H. Wilbar Jr. <>
Date: Fri Apr 26 2002 - 01:44:27 EDT

Anyone have a definative list of games that the Catbox can be used on ?

Also, other than Tempest, did Atari produce troubleshooting documentation
for use with specific games with the catbox ?

In particular I want to use it with Asteroids, Tempest, Major Havoc,
Space Duel, and Gravitar...

Can it be used on Star Wars ?

I have a Cat box, and I've put it through it's self tests, and it looks
ready to go... now I just need to learn how to use it. Tempest should
be easiest due to the specific testing instructions for Tempest with
a Cat Box... but nowhere in any of my documentation/manuals for the
other games is there anythign similar... hopefully it's out there and
I just don't have it (if so, anyone have a URL pointing to scans of
those documents?)

Thanks in advance,

-- Curt

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