G05 tube ground question

From: Curtis H. Wilbar Jr. <vector_at_hawkmountain.net>
Date: Thu May 02 2002 - 20:08:39 EDT

Had this embedded in a longer post... so for those that have seen it
sorry for the duplication, however I think some people may not have seen
it because it was embedded in a longer post...

My Electrohome G05-801 (Asteroids) metal "strap" used for groudning
the monitor tube is rotted off (found a piece of it in the bottom of the game).
I don't see a wire floating around, but I assume that this strap is used
for grounding the back coating on the monitor tube.

What are the issues with this not being grounded...
I've seen some monitors (like amplifone) use a spring to ground that coating
to the monitor frame. Would that be one way of rectifying the rotted
off strap ?

Thanks in advance,

 -- Curt

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Received on Thu May 2 17:11:40 2002

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