Re: G05 tube ground question

From: Curtis H. Wilbar Jr. <>
Date: Sat May 04 2002 - 11:00:00 EDT

Re: aquadag...

Check out:

<A HREF="">

Now I'm wondering if the aquadag coating is breaking down on my
Joust, as when that monitor is turned on after being off for a
day or so, it crackles a lot, and if looking at the monitor from
the back, you see blue sparcs for a second (which I wonder if
it is a sign that the aquadag is damaged or breaking down in those

-- Curt

>X-Sent: 3 May 2002 15:01:10 GMT
>Date: Fri, 03 May 2002 10:02:00 -0500
>From: tom mcclintock <>
>X-Accept-Language: en
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Subject: Re: VECTOR: G05 tube ground question
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>I was wondering this myself. I have a couple of G05s that had been
>sitting outside for many years, and the tubes are clean and shiny with
>no trace of aquadag. They seem to work though... SHould I expect some
>sort of failure eventually?
> wrote:
>> If the DAG is not attached correctly or not present, would this cause an
effect of the picture being out of focus? I have two WG 6100's that display an
image but after a few moments the image is fuzzy, like looking through a frosted
window. I tried different HV and deflection boards and get the same result.
>> Kirby
>> John Robertson <> wrote:
>> >The 'aquadag' coating on the outside of the picture tube must be connected
>> >to the monitor chassis common for the tube to charge up is
>> >only a giant glass capacitor after all, a few ufd at can use a
>> >spring if you like, but it must make a good contact to the tube coating and
>> >cover a few square inches. A better solution is to get a piece of braided
>> >wire and run it across the rear of the tube with a spring to keep the braid
>> >from touching the yoke. Then solder a jumper wire that can be either
>> >soldered or screwed to the chassis common.
>> >
>> >John :-#)#
>> >
>> >At 08:08 PM 02/05/2002 -0400, Curtis H. Wilbar Jr. wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> >>Had this embedded in a longer post... so for those that have seen it
>> >>sorry for the duplication, however I think some people may not have seen
>> >>it because it was embedded in a longer post...
>> >>
>> >>My Electrohome G05-801 (Asteroids) metal "strap" used for groudning
>> >>the monitor tube is rotted off (found a piece of it in the bottom of the
>> >>game).
>> >>I don't see a wire floating around, but I assume that this strap is used
>> >>for grounding the back coating on the monitor tube.
>> >>
>> >>What are the issues with this not being grounded...
>> >>I've seen some monitors (like amplifone) use a spring to ground that
>> >>to the monitor frame. Would that be one way of rectifying the rotted
>> >>off strap ?
>> >>
>> >>Thanks in advance,
>> >>
>> >> -- Curt
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
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