> Now if you are still blowing breakers, remove the connectors for the
> and "VERT" heat-sunk transistors, and retest for no more than 15 seconds
> so.
I assume at this step, you have the deflection coil unplugged, because you
aren't supposed to test with the deflection transistors unplugged and the
coil plugged in. I tried this and my deflection board toasted immediately.
I would not recommend this step at all in fact; I would simply recommend a
mandatory upgrade to the 2N3716 and 2N3792 transistors.
Besides, you can unplug the deflection coil and put a multimeter across the
X or Y coil outputs and see what kind of voltages are being sent to the
coil, which helps greatly in debugging.
> If one is bad upgrade to 2N3716/2N3792 as found in the Atari model's
> vector monitors. These are beefier parts for the same purpose. Don't ask
> me which substitutes for which; figure it out (that's what I do EVERY time
> :)!
A good way to remember which substitutes for which; take the last number of
the original transistors and multiply by two: The one that ends with '8' is
replaced by the 2N3716 ('16'), and the one that ends with '6' is replaced by
the 2N3792 ('12'...ends with '2' :-)).
-- Mark Jenison --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** To UNSUBSCRIBE from vectorlist, send a message with "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the ** message body to vectorlist-request@synthcom.com. Please direct other ** questions, comments, or problems to vectorlist-owner@synthcom.com.Received on Fri Jul 5 17:15:44 2002
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