Re[3]: 15" tube replacement.

From: peter jones <>
Date: Wed Jul 31 2002 - 15:17:50 EDT

-----Original Message-----
From: <>
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2002 12:14:13 +0000
Subject: Re: Re: VECTOR: 15" tube replacement.

> Whilst on the subject of vector monitors, does anyone know whether the
deflection coils are the same (or interchangeable) on 19v2000 / G05-801,2,5
> I need a tube and deflection coils for a g05-805 and was wondering whether I
could use a delection coil from a 19" B&W vector monitor.
> Thanks,
the part numbers for the G05 yoke are different for 15 and 19 inch, so you
probably cant swap them.

i have a yoke for a 15" G05, infact i have everything except the tube.

what have you got available? maybe we could do a deal of some sort.
19" for a 15" ???

where in the u.k. are you?


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