more tube questions.

From: peter jones <>
Date: Wed Jul 31 2002 - 15:24:25 EDT

what was the tube type in the sega G08???

also what is the type? 90' or 110' or something else?

i want to fit a G08 yoke onto a different tube,
the first tube of choice is a WG 25" tube from a sega virtua-racing cab,
the second choice is a good-old G07 i have spare from a missile command.

i need to get this problem sorted so i can try to design my new HT box.

on that subject, someone was talking about making one with a k7000 transformer.
they said it could connect directly to the (u.s.) mains because the Lopt
provided the isolation.

if you are reading this - NO IT WONT! Lopt's can go primary>secondary short,

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