Re: WG6100 party lights!

From: peter jones <>
Date: Wed Sep 04 2002 - 09:27:48 EDT

-----Original Message-----
From: <>
Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2002 22:10:44 +0000
Subject: VECTOR: WG6100 party lights!

> I'm fairly new to vector monitors and the WG6100 in particular having only
fixed B&W deflection PCBs until now.
> Getting to the point, the HV cage of my 6100 is illuminated with amazing
flashing blue light, accompanied by very loud crackling - I mean LOUD. This
happens continuously from power up and does not stop until I get scared!
> I've opened it up to clean it, checked it with a LOPT ringer and it checks
out in the 5/10 kind of range with the HOT unplugged.

I cant understand so many replies missing something obvious!

lets take it in steps.

open the unit and clean it completely, the cage, the focus block, the
transformer and ht leads.

then run the pyro-display again for a few seconds!!!!

next examin the cage and ht components for burn marks.

it could be the transformer, but i doubt it!

if you get no ht at the tube, but a good arc then it's getting voltage from

i would start by suspecting damaged cables or a faulty 'focus block'.

(focus blocks are easy to get from tv spares companys)

if it is the transformer, then you may get lucky, i have just got a ht-box with
no transformer in it, i am going to try to adapt it for a different tranny!

like others have said, when you do get arcing transformers they cant hide there
look for anything from a crack like an axe wound :-)
to a small mark like a cigarette burn.

it will be near a small black/blue mark on the metalwork.



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