Re: Fragile games?

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Fri Sep 13 2002 - 22:23:33 EDT

It's not hard to make a simple RAM hack for Asteroids that allows you to
use a single 6116/2016 for the 2114's. You just find a vacant 24 pin socket
(beside the Vector ROM is perfect) then work out the chip selects.

I did this with one game that was killing me with sockets and jumper wires
and it works great. I have it documented at the shop, but I find if folks
know it can be done they can usually figure it out themselves....

If not I'll try and write it up better. Should work for any game that uses
only a few 2114s.

John :-#)#

At 10:14 PM 12/09/2002 -0400, Joel Rosenzweig wrote:

>Maybe it's just me, but it seems that if I look at my Battlezone boardset
>the wrong way, it breaks. I don't seem to have nearly as many problems with
>any other game I own. Do others find any particular board set more fragile
>than others?
>Did a get well kit for Asteroids and Battlezone ever get produced, i.e. one
>that replaced all the eproms with a single device, and one that replaced all
>the rams with a single device? I've got several boardsets of each that
>are in various malfunctioning states, and I'm gearing myself up for
>repairing each of them. It occured to me that this would be a fine time to
>consider the use of such a get well kit, if it exists!
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