GO8 - distortion

From: John Robertson <pinball_at_telus.net>
Date: Fri Sep 13 2002 - 23:26:48 EDT

Wondering if anyone has suggestions for the cause of an interesting
distortion on a GO8 I'm restoring (for sale by the way). On my test fixture
it shows insufficient positive deflection on both the X and Y axis. In
other words the picture refuses to go more than 3/4 of the way up the X or
Y axis and the image squishes as it reaches this boundary.

Voltages look good. All are within 5%...

Monitor does not appear to overheat, nor are the center-voltages of the
yoke (with no X/Y inputs) are within 0.5V of 0.0VDC. Close enough I think.
runs for an hour with no ill effects, but there is a bit of flicker on the
positive edges of the X & Y boundaries if the controls are set to slight

Tried a second IC and exact same results.

Caps are all good - at least they seem good, have checked and replaced
usual suspects.

I'm trying to get this sucker running so I can test some GO8 HV cages I
have sitting on a shelf.

John :-#(#

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