Re[3]: HV transformers - help!

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Sat Sep 28 2002 - 12:54:13 EDT

I shall have my GO8 running today I hope, I'll let you know the results of
turning back the 22.5KV...

John :-#)#

At 07:59 PM 28/09/2002 +0400, peter jones wrote:

>-----Original Message-----
>From: John Robertson <>
>Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2002 00:04:08 -0700
>Subject: Re[2]: VECTOR: HV transformers - help!
> >
> > Ah, well, my point is that a universal unit might not be as useful as a
> > unit designed for a WG. There are probably more dead WG colour XY HV's out
> > there than the GO8's, and if I have a half dozen or so GO8 units that I
> > shall be fixing up for sale, then don't waste time on it, rather get
> the WG
> > HV done and out there for folks.
> >
> > I don't think a universal unit would be cost effective as the voltages
> > needed to run the GO8 are quite different than the WG, and the WG can also
> > power an Ampliphone quite easily, where the GO8 HV is unique to just that
> > monitor.
> >
> >
>they are not so different,
>so WG monitors supply the heater from somewhere else, and G08 gets it's B+
>from another source.
>other than that the voltages are pretty much the same.
>reducing the 22.5KV line to 19.5KV would reduce the heater to 5.48v -
>would that cause a problem???
>reduced B+ output is unimportant because the G08 wont use it.
>as i said originally - fuck the X/Y shutdown circuit, better to implement
>a spot-killer ciruit into the main deflection pcb even if you dont replace
>the HV unit.
>the most interesting solution would be to ONLY use the transformer for the
>HV and to get the 180v and the heater drive from another source,
>then you could use ANY transformer you had lying around.
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Received on Sat Sep 28 10:21:17 2002

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