Yes- you can safely use the X/Y outputs for deflection into a scope or
something without hooking up the color signals.
You will (should) get an image with the MOVETO vector lines drawn from one
vector to another. These are usually blanked by the color signals going to a
cutoff level. This should be a valid test of the XY timing boards. I have
seen problems with the color boards not going into cutoff, resulting in retrace
lines of one color displayed.
Good luck,
Stempak Arcadius-ASTEMPA1 wrote:
> Mark,
> ^^^^^
> First of all Thanks, will look at the CPU BOARD
> first then go from there.
> Also one last thing on this, topic, do you
> or anyone for that matter, know if I can actually
> and safely hook up the X / Y OUTPUTS from the G-80 CARD(See Below)
> to a SCOPE or a Small 4" by 4" X/Y Black and White Monitor
> and just leave the Red Green Blue Wires Disconnected ???
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