Regarding the suggestions you made, with regard to checking the T LO82 OP AMP

From: Stempak Arcadius-ASTEMPA1 <>
Date: Thu Oct 03 2002 - 20:06:42 EDT


 I did my best to Scope things out, so to speak, and
noted that while the TLO 82 OP AMP, is recieving Power
(12 Volts) O.K. and INPUT 1 / OUPUT 1 appear to be
working, as far as I can tell, did not dawn on me,
but should have, that this OP AMP, in this Case, is being
used as an Inverting AMP. Anyway it appears that INTPUT 2 /
OUTPUT 2 is not either recieving or outputting anything at all

 Anyone have any ideas ???

 However and due to the fact that this Board, is not
easy to get to, I imagine, that I will have to either create
an Extender Board, or find out some other Creative way to
get to the Parts on this Board, or ..........

 Does anyone perhaps have a SEGA G-80 Extender Card for Sale ???
 Or for the ultimate Question, (don't all laugh at once) does anyone have
an ELIMINATOR (MEATBALL) working / spare sound card for Sale ???

 Arcadius................. :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: peter jones []
Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2002 6:55 PM
Subject: Re[6]: VECTOR: Question on ELMINATOR SOUND CARD with NO
AUDIOOutputand X/Y Output.....

> Peter,
> *******
> Sure thing a 100Mhz TEKTRONIX (Newer Small Model)
> Any Ideas or Suggestions...
scope the signals between the sound circuits and the op-amps,
it may save you changing them.

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