Vectorlist Archives By Subject
- (asking again sorry) archives and Ampliphone tubes
- 2N6259's
- Amplifone Deflection - Spotkiller - Where to start?
- Amplifone Deflection w/o HV
- Amplifone Degaussing Problem
- Amplifone Trouble
- Amplifone Troubles: NO MORE!
- Another Eliminator Question, this one regarding Coini ng Up the GAME.
- Another Eliminator Question, this one regarding Coining Up the GA ME.
- Another Eliminator Question, this one regarding Coining Up the GAME.
- Anyone have a good source on caps for Cinematronics PS?
- Anyone know what these are?
- Asteroids Dlx centering
- Asteroids GO5 help
- Asteroids GO5-802 help - link to picture that might help
- Asteroids monitor, almost there! too wide
- beating the flaming G-80 horse
- BU408D
- Cinematronics > Atari Adapter???
- Cinematronics Monitor Problem
- Cinematronics testing
- DAC80 Replacement
- FA: GO8 now starting at $1.00
- FA: GO8 XY monitor bench tested...
- FS: Dedicated Major Havoc marquees
- FS: H1812 HV Diode $7 each
- FS: H1812's deal is done please read
- FS: NOS 5101's
- FS: TMS5220CNL ....STAR WARS and Others....special pr ice
- FS: TMS5220CNL ....STAR WARS and Others....special price
- FYI: Excellent Cinematonics monitor theory in Exorcisor manual
- FYI: Excellent Cinematonics monitor theory in Exorcisormanual
- H1809/H1812 HV diodes - how much interest?
- hardware question of topic
- List rules
- Lunar Lander Backdoor sheet scan - Done already?
- MR1-1600?
- Need help with Star Trek spinner PCB
- Never Assume... (SIGH!) G05 was really a WG 15V2000
- Omega Race Acid Damage HEED HELP!
- Omega Race Power Supply Caps
- Please help with Asteroids AVG?
- Portland, OR: save this game from the scrap heap!
- Question on ELMINATOR SOUND CARD with NO AUDIO Output and X/Y Output.....
- Question on ELMINATOR SOUND CARD with NO AUDIO Outputand X/Y Output.....
- Question on ELMINATOR SOUND CARD with NO AUDIOOutputand X/Y Output.....
- Question on STAR WARS MAIN IRQ LINE = Always LOW.
- Question on using TLO81 in place of a TLO82 IC
- Quick dumb question about Sega Speech board
- RASTER: Anyone know what these are?
- Regarding the suggestions you made, with regard t o checking the TLO82 OP AMP
- Regarding the suggestions you made, with regard to ch ecking the TLO82 OP AMP
- Regarding the suggestions you made, with regard to checking t he TLO82 OP AMP
- Regarding the suggestions you made, with regard to checking the T LO82 OP AMP
- Regarding the suggestions you made, with regard to checking the TLO82 OP AMP
- Sega Universal Sound board question
- Source for Cinematronics buttons?
- Source or cross for CD4016
- Sources for Space Duel monitor repair
- Space Fury boards and cage
- Sponge Board corrossion??!!
- star wars problems
- Star Wars Yoke Thumb Triggers
- SW NOVRAM Source?
- TECH: Battlezone G05-805 monitor - still having problems
- TECH: More on the G05-805 blooming problems
- Tech: Star Wars Text Vector Glitch...
- The chicken or the egg?
- Transformer replacements?
- transistors
- Troubleshooting for Omega Race?
- Update with regard to ELIMINIATOR SOUND CARD Issues.. ..
- Update with regard to ELIMINIATOR SOUND CARD Issues....
- Updates and or some useful information, well maybe .......
- VECTOR:Update on my latest Endeavors to Fix my STAR WA RS MAINBoard.
- VECTOR:Update on my latest Endeavors to Fix my STAR WARS MAIN Board.
- VECTOR:Update on my latest Endeavors to Fix my STAR WARS MAINBoard.
- WG 6100 HV help please
- WG6100 HT transformers
- WG6100 HV Question (yes, another one!)
- What about Star Wars 5K ohm pots?
- What does a lone "P" indicate in ESB self test main/1st screen?
- Who fixes Cinematronics boards?
- Wintron high voltage...
- Wish list of parts...
- WTB: CInematronics boards
- WTB: V2000 HV unit (3rd request)
- WTB:Cinematronics CPU Board
- Zap! The Rise and Fall of Atari
- Last message date: Fri Nov 01 2002 - 05:06:51 EST
- Archived on: Fri Aug 01 2003 - 00:34:14 EDT