Hi all ...
Star Wars lives!
Thanks to everyone who gave me suggestions as to what was wrong with my
When I scoped the outputs to the deflection coils I was getting 50v Peak to
Peak (ish ... my scope is old and probably was last calibrated when the SW
was made!) on the X coil and 12v Peak to Peak in the Y coil. I verified
the levels going into the deflection board from the game board and they
were fine. The spot killer was now coming on occasionally so the fault had
Last night I spent what seems like an age verifying components on the
deflection board. About half way though I'd pulled the three 2N3904's in
the Y amp stage (Q2, Q3 and Q4) one of them was open between the emitter
and base (in both directions) I replaced all three .... and hey presto ...
it works!
Phew ... not need to worry about the tube being bad now!
I go back today and replace all the 2N3904's to be sure it wont fail again.
Once again ... to all those who helped me ... thanks!
Dave Langley
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Received on Sun Oct 27 02:31:30 2002
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