That sounds like the Problem I am currently Experiencing with my
Eliminator Sound Card,
Sure I hear the Explosion at Power Up and sure things appear to be
working, since I replaced
all 3 of the Onboard TLO82 OP AMPS which I think I may have killed
at least 1 or 2 of while
I was Dusting Off the Board (Static Electricity ???) In any case
it is after the Exploding Sound
that, I myself, hear a constant Noise, sure enough and much like
White Noise, Static, or even
what one might call a Hurricane Type of sound. Call it what you
will, one thing for sure the Noise
is Constant. What would be great is if you recall which Chip you
replaced, (maybe if you were able
to physically look at your Sound Card and, assuming that no other
parts were replaced, do a stare
and compare of the Solder Joints) maybe, there is a common part
that, when it fails, causes this
type of an issue ??? Then again maybe I'm dreaming.
Arcadius...................... :-)
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2002 4:54 PM
Subject: Re: VECTOR: Update with regard to ELIMINIATOR SOUND CARD Issues....
Hi Tom and everyone else on the Vector List, I have one of Clay's SEGA
Multi-games installed in my Star Trek and it works great with no sound
problems from start up. I did have a universal sound board that had a bad
chip that made a real loud noise, sounded like a hurricane blowing into a
microphone. I don't remember which chip it was but I replaced it and all was
I sure hope Clay will find some time SOON to work on the multi-sound card.
How about it Clay, What's the good news. :-)
In Virginia
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Received on Wed Oct 9 17:03:37 2002
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