It's most likely a ground issue. The easy thing to try first is clean all your connectors and make sure there are no bad solder joints anywhere. I had a problem where the Death Star explosion would make the screen freak out. I found that the big connector on the power supply was a bit loose.
You may also want to make sure all your proms are pushed in tight. When the game warm up and cools down over time, the IC's tend to move in their sockets.
----- Original Message -----
From: lingland
Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2002 7:09 AM
Subject: VECTOR: Tech: Star Wars Text Vector Glitch...
I'm noticing that my Star Wars occasionally has a vector glitch on the high score table, and also during the text in the intro. Its like for a split second, some of the text gets shifted to the right or left by 1/4 inch or so. I haven't noticed this during game play, but admittedly haven't played it much.
Any ideas where to look?
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Received on Thu Oct 31 17:36:33 2002
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