That is correct...its is the speech chip that is located on the sound
board. These have become very hard to find and the trouble is that many
of the ones that you find on the actual Star Wars boards have leg rot:(
Mark Capps
big dog wrote:
> Hi,
> I was able to come across 250pcs of TMS5220CNL......still in the
> factory tubes. These were used in Star Wars, Gauntlet, APB, System I
> games, and a few others. These have become quite expensive and hard to
> find, but im going to offer a special price to the vectorlist. The
> prices are below. You can pay by Paypal at this email address or you
> can send a MO or Cashiers Check to the below address. The chips will
> ship the day following payment via prioity mail. *******Please be sure
> to respond to my address and not the vectorlist.....Thanks**********
> 5 for $25
> 10 or more $4each
> 50 or more $3.50 each
> 100 for $300
> Mark Capps
> 1842 Chrysler Dr
> Atlanta, GA 30345
> Thanks,
> Mark Capps
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