Appreciate all of your suggested actions,
and thanks. Will keep an eye out for anyone
selling any Spare Sound Cards as well as
continue to mess with the set I have.
Arcadius.......... :-)
-----Original Message-----
From: K. S. []
Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2002 8:51 PM
Subject: Re: VECTOR: RE: Regarding the suggestions you made, with regard
to checking the TLO82 OP AMP
I'll take a stab at this-
The sound card must be in slot 1 in the card cage ???
Says who?
Is this because this is the only configuration that allows the connectors
be fitted?
I've played around with Star Trek and Space Fury and have no problems
shuffling the cards around from one slot to another. Maybe this is
to Eliminator? I'm more inclined to think not. As far as I know, the G80
is a simple, passive backplane. You should get no problems moving the cards
from slot to slot.
That being said, here's one man's alternate solution to your card extender
Cut the side of the case off!
I think you'd have to build your own extender and IIRC, those slots are 88
pins- not common.
I had three card cages and not one fully working boardset, so I Dremeled
that a verb?) off the side nearest to the power connector. Now, I can put
card in question in the front slot and have access to the component side.
...and don't give up on another sound board being found. I picked up an
untested Universal sound board and now my Star Trek is fully alive. It's
beautiful to hear those introductory chords when the objects are first
placed on
the initial playing field. I've been hearing them in my mind the whole time
sound was out, and now it's like my deafness has been lifted! Sappy? Who
Good luck,
P.S. You're welcome in advance . :->
Stempak Arcadius-ASTEMPA1 wrote:
> Peter, (or anyone else)
> *******
> Almost forgot to ask, one other thing, when the SOUND BOARD
> EPROM BOARD and CPU BOARD are all in place, and with the X/Y
> Boards (TIMING / CONTROL) Both Removed and after I power up the
> game the HALT LIGHT(RED LED) lights up and stays LIT until I power
> off and Replace the X/Y Board Pair.
> Is this a Normal Occurance ???
> Reason I ask, is that I would like to only Test the Sound Card with
> few Boards as possible (if possible) in this Card Cage ???
> Also I know that the Sound Board must be in Slot 1 in the Card Cage,
> but what, if anything, actually happens, if you use another Slot ???
> Arcadius............... :-)
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Stempak Arcadius-ASTEMPA1
> > Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2002 7:07 PM
> > To:
> > Cc: Stempak Arcadius-ASTEMPA1
> > Subject: Regarding the suggestions you made, with regard to
> > the TLO82 OP AMP
> >
> >
> > However and due to the fact that this Board, is not
> > easy to get to, I imagine, that I will have to either create
> > an Extender Board, or find out some other Creative way to
> > get to the Parts on this Board, or ..........
> >
> > Does anyone perhaps have a SEGA G-80 Extender Card for Sale ???
> >
> > Or for the ultimate Question, (don't all laugh at once) does anyone
> > an ELIMINATOR (MEATBALL) working / spare sound card for Sale ???
> >
> >
> >
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