Re: FS: Dedicated Major Havoc marquees

From: Tom McClintock <>
Date: Fri Oct 18 2002 - 13:17:13 EDT

Depending on how much bleed there is (that's overprint for you
non-printing/graphics people :) it might, but I would say given the size
differences between the dedicated (smaller) and the conversion marquees - most
likely no. Besides, the conversion marquees don't look exactly like the dedicated.

If there is enough demand for the Space Duel conversion marquees, I'm sure I can
get something going. Eh, Roy?


Louis Srianomai wrote:

> Tom,
> Just some wishful thinking here, but if you sell it non trimmed, will it still
> fit the size of Gravitar or Space Duel?
> I have no idea what size the dedicated marquee is, so I have no reference.
> Louis
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