If all of your RAM passed test, then Asteroids should only make one beep
when you reset in test mode. The beeps when you hit your switches also tell
you that the prrogram is running, so it doesn't SEEM that you have any state
machine problems. I'd start checking a the X and Y outputs and work my way
back on that one, because it would sem like your problem is closer to that
end of the board.
Nick Sprankle
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Ellingson" <mike.ee@gte.net>
To: <vectorlist@synthcom.com>
Sent: Friday, October 04, 2002 9:32 PM
> I see how they would affect output.(which was weak,not dead) But I don't
> understand why that would cause the self test to not count ram. Reset or
> other button produces just a chirp now. could there be a conflict between
> the old and new ram.All are MM2114N's. Old ones were also marked 1033C and
> new ones B8408. Probably not a bad idea to do the other 2 any way but i
> wondering if this would cause the self test problem.
> thanks
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Received on Sat Oct 5 08:27:09 2002
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