Matthew Rossiter wrote:
> I have a Cinematronics monitor that came out of a Working Warrior that
> I'm trying to troubleshoot. I put some pictures up on the web to give
> you an idea of what I'm talking about.
> My first guess was that it was either the Horizontal DAC was going bad
> or maybe the analog switch is going bad. I tried replacing both but
> still the same problem. If you look carefully at the Star Castle MPEG
> - the ship in the center is moving left to write and the lines don't
> stay adjoined very well. I haven't checked out the vertical section
> yet, but does anyone want to offer a suggestion on where to look?
> It's weird that some lines are fine, while others go way off.
> Thanks...
> Matt
In order:
Bad ribbon cable
bad connection between ribbon cable and DAC
bad DAC.
If you've already replaced the DAC that's 1 down and 2 to go
The ribbon cable is the easiest one to try.
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