
From: Joe Bachmann <>
Date: Thu Oct 03 2002 - 20:36:07 EDT


Is there any more interest in MPSU57 and MPSU07 transistors at $1.04 ea?
The minimum order is 500 per part.

50 (25 of ea.) would be $52+$4 for shipping (US)
100 (50 of ea.) would be $104+$4 for shipping (US)

Unfortunately last time the factory closed while we were ordering, but
that shouldn't again.
I expect the total time on this to take up to four weeks. (The
distributer has no stock.)

Also, I have an oppotunity to get some inexpensive BU408D's. By the spec
sheet, these should be able to be used to replace the BU406d. Approx
cost is .50 ea.

Thank you,

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