Re: Who fixes Cinematronics boards?

From: <>
Date: Tue Oct 15 2002 - 02:05:54 EDT

>So, board 309A provides the +5V with common grounds?

Basically yeah...
The Kurz-Kasch 'A' cards (& B cards) perform the same basic function as a
PAT9000 program plug, but the KK was designed in the early days to be quite
simple so the A cards usually also host extra power supplies/regulation,
LEDs, etc.. The main function is to assign the proper voltages & switches,
etc to the test connector. Any cards that are made to plug into the test
connector are designated as 'C' cards.. Most C cards are extender boards..

It seems to me the KK system was pretty much always obsolete, even more so
after games went to color..There are some handy cards though, like the 309
exorcisor and the testers for pinballs (Bally, Gottlieb & Game Plan)..


PS: If anybody has a spare 309C I'd like to find one.. I have 2 309As and
nearly every other KK card so I've plenty to trade..

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