Re: 2N6259's

From: Rodger Boots <>
Date: Fri Oct 04 2002 - 03:31:09 EDT

peter jones wrote:

>-----Original Message-----
>From: John Robertson <>
>To:, <>
>Date: Thu, 03 Oct 2002 16:48:35 -0700
>Subject: Re: VECTOR: 2N6259's
>>No price break, these guys only order 100 minimums... serious bucks I'm
>>afraid to bring these in. I will ask though if we can get 50...but that
>>would probably be about double...maybe...maybe not.
>>John :-#(#
>what is more important for these transistors? the amps or the watts?

I'll save you the trouble of burning up some monitors, if the part
number starts with TIP it has no business in the output circuit of a
deflection amp.

Handling the voltage is very important, handling the current is
important, handling the power is important, but in a G08 the secondary
breakdown characteristics of the 2N6259 is what sets it appart from all
the others. It can handle full power with close to 100 volts across it.
 Most transistors can handle full power up to 20 or 30 volts then go
into secondary breakdown. The only thing out there that's better are
power FETs (they have NO secondary breakdown), but retrofitting monitors
to use them would be difficult. I was using them in my "unbreakable"
G08 replacement chassis in a very strange output circuit that was
self-protecting, but never got around to producing it.


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