My Starwars came to me with the monitor doa.
I've installed a Wintron on the power pcb, and now get appropriate high voltage. My deflection pcb however seems to keep the spotkiller on. (I did for about 5 seconds see the spot killer come off once, and by the time I went to the back of the monitor to adjust the focus, the spotkiller light went back on. Didn't do anything to cause this to start and/or stop.) I created a xy extension cord, and proved that my Star Wars pcb is good and plays on my 6100, so the fault is definitely somewhere on the deflection pcb (Although I suppose I cannot rule out the monitors 15pin harness).
I have capped the deflection pcb (don't know if the spot killer worked before the cap, but I expect not...)
I have replaced all jumpers.
Where to I start from here? Whats next to do? What else do I need to look for?
The force is calling me, but I cannot see it!
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