hardware question of topic

From: Jilayne Stanclif <jstancliff_at_mchsi.com>
Date: Sat Oct 19 2002 - 01:28:54 EDT

Hi guys,

    I know this question is off vector topic a bit, but some of you guys are
so well rounded that I thought I would ask here first.

    I am looking for a super simple circuit to generate vsync ,hsync, dot
clock and video now type signal (51.2us for dot clock enable). monochrome
resolution (ie approx 15.7khz horizontal 59.9 vertical and something like
5mhz dot clock). I was thinking maybe a xilinx chip or maybe a gal22v10 and
some support. Anyway if anyone has link to a premade type circuit I would
appreciate it before I spend abounch of time reinventing the wheel.

    Just in case your wondering... I wanted to make a space invaders clone
(running real code) using a Z-80 and a surplus 5" monochrome ttle monitor .
8k ram bumped out bit by bit to the monitor.



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