Re: beating the flaming G-80 horse

From: Mark Jenison <>
Date: Sat Oct 05 2002 - 02:06:33 EDT

> Are the supplies failing or are you just using a switcher because the
> connector burned up? I just replaced the connector & burned pins with new
> ones, and then wired up a couple more grounds seperately.. I was using a
> wirenut but a mate-n-lock would make it look pretty nice. It seems to be
> rock solid supply other than the connector, In the past few years none of
> Sega games have skipped a beat due to the supply.

This is the same thing I've observed...the power supplies themselves are
fine except for the fact that they are harsh on the connectors. Standard
operating procedure to replace the connector and pins to the power supplies
for these games. I've had more problems with AR boards and switchers than
with these power supplies.

Mark Jenison
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Received on Sat Oct 5 00:27:25 2002

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