6116 a drop in replacement? I ddint have any 2114L in stock so I pulled
one off of the flaky control board from the Space Fury. Ether way Ill
need to buy something, so if a 6116 is the way to go, now is the time
before I place an order. Bob Robert sells AM91L14CDC as replacements for
the 2114L. Any experience with these?
peter jones wrote:
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mark E Davidson <mark@basementarcade.com>
>To: vectorlist@synthcom.com
>Date: Wed, 01 Jan 2003 22:19:58 -0800
>Subject: VECTOR: Sega XY controls boards
>>Here is another one. Space Fury running quietly off to the side as Im
>>working on other game problems. That's when I hear the strange sound of
>>the High voltage kicking in and out (aka, Segas version of the spot
>>killer). Vectors are jumping all over the screen (when there is enough
>>to turn on the HV on the G08. Hooking up the scope proved that the
>>monitor was fine, and swapping board around with another machine
>>narrowed it down to a bad XY controller board. This board also has the
>>video ram on it as well. Is there a possibility at a certain ram might
>>go bad to produce the described screen action? Or am I thinking the
>>wrong way?
>> The reason Im stuck on the 2114L ram right now is I had one go bad
>>in Eliminator. The result was minor.. On 2 screens I was getting jumbled
>>vectors on some text, and some for the eliminator explosion explosion
>>screen too. Is is possible that I lost more then one ram giving me not
>>enough screen to run test mode? Is there anyway to test 2114L ram?
>unlike what many people think, 666 is not the number of the devil,
>IT'S 2114!!!!!!!
>they are so unreliable and touchy about loading and clockspeed that i NEVER use them in my pcb's,
>i always replace batches of them with 6116 chips.
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