Re: Sega Star Trek SUPER SPEED (AKA Help!)

From: Mark E Davidson <>
Date: Thu Jan 02 2003 - 01:39:57 EST

I already swapped out the control board, but not the timing board.. Ill
give that a try


Curtis H. Wilbar Jr. wrote:

>Could this have something to do with the XY timing or control boards.
>If I understand things correct, the cpu sets up the vector to be drawn
>and tells the XY boards to do it. The boards "report" back when they
>are done. ?? If this is so, what if a problem on the XY boards caused
>vectors to be drawn twice as fast... would that make an apparent doubling
>of speed ?
>Do you have another XY pair to drop in to test that theory ?
>-- Curt
>>Date: Wed, 01 Jan 2003 21:59:52 -0800
>>From: Mark E Davidson <>
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>>Subject: VECTOR: Sega Star Trek SUPER SPEED (AKA Help!)
>>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>>Ok lets start out 2003 with one of the weirdest problems I have ever seen!
>>Can anyone explain this..... The Star Trek Im restoring is throwing
>>fits (when it it not doing other dumb things). It keep speeding up and
>>slowing down.
>>For example, In attract mode, Sega (normally) fills the screen, breaks
>>into 4 Sega and forms a box. Well some times my game does that ant a
>>normal speed and other time is happens twice as fast. This is not just
>>isolated to the attract screen or any other screen ether. Sometimes it
>>can continue through the entire attract mode, finishing the whole series
>>of screens in 1/2 the time. Other times it will return to normal speed
>>at will.... There is no rime or reason to how or when it starts or
>>stops. and it happens in game play too.
>>I pulled the CPU card and replace it with another I had, adding Clays
>>Multi Sega kit to the new card as well. Still does the same thing.
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Received on Wed Jan 1 19:37:04 2003

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