To keep it vector, I'd like to second Jeff's request for help with a Star
Wars boardset. It seems to play okay, but when I put it through the test
mode it reports "Matrix Errors" (or is it "Mathbox Errors", I don't
remember). Which board of the 3 board Star Wars set is most likely the
culprit? Or if it can be isolated further to a particular chip, that would
be helpful too. Thanks,
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Hendrix, Jeff
> Sent: Monday, January 06, 2003 10:26 AM
> To: ''
> Subject: VECTOR: OT: I,Robot help
> Excuse the off topic post, but the vector list is the best source for
> information.
> I have an I,Robot that sometimes reports mathbox errors in
> diagnostics mode,
> and has flashes of garbage on the screen while playing and every so often
> crashes during game play.
> I have all the documentation, but none if it mentions where to look for
> mathbox errors.
> A couple years ago I swapped every socketed chip with another
> I,Robot board
> and the problem stayed with the board (so I do know that it's a soldered
> chip, but don't know where to start looking).
> Does anybody have more information about I,Robot or at least where I might
> start to look for mathbox problems?
> Thanks
> -jeff
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