Errmm, didn't really understand the relationship from your post to Jeff's,
> SOLUTION: Check the four 18-pin socketed ROMs 136021-110 through -113 at
> locations 7H, 7J, 7K, 7L in the middle of the main game board.
> At least one of these is bad. These are 1024x4 bipolar 82S137
> (Signetics) PROMS which contain the microcode for the math
> box. In my case -112 was bad. Frys, Jameco, and JDR
> Microdevices sell these PROMs.
clipped from Rodger Boots/Greg Woodcock post a while back. I've corrected
about 3 boards with Mathbox errors by replacing some of the 4 mathbox chips, it
is a common thing for these to go bad. It may not be the final answer, but
it's an easy start if your symptoms are no tie fighters nor starfield, hangs at
the death star.
I can't talk about I-Robot, as I don't (wishful) have one.
--- Joe Magiera <> wrote:
> To keep it vector, I'd like to second Jeff's request for help with a Star
> Wars boardset. It seems to play okay, but when I put it through the test
> mode it reports "Matrix Errors" (or is it "Mathbox Errors", I don't
> remember). Which board of the 3 board Star Wars set is most likely the
> culprit? Or if it can be isolated further to a particular chip, that would
> be helpful too. Thanks,
> Joe
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:
> > []On Behalf Of Hendrix, Jeff
> > Sent: Monday, January 06, 2003 10:26 AM
> > To: ''
> > Subject: VECTOR: OT: I,Robot help
> >
> >
> > Excuse the off topic post, but the vector list is the best source for
> > information.
> > I have an I,Robot that sometimes reports mathbox errors in
> > diagnostics mode,
> > and has flashes of garbage on the screen while playing and every so often
> > crashes during game play.
> > I have all the documentation, but none if it mentions where to look for
> > mathbox errors.
> >
> > A couple years ago I swapped every socketed chip with another
> > I,Robot board
> > and the problem stayed with the board (so I do know that it's a soldered
> > chip, but don't know where to start looking).
> >
> > Does anybody have more information about I,Robot or at least where I might
> > start to look for mathbox problems?
> >
> > Thanks
> > -jeff
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