Tempest missing edge connector pad

From: Curtis H. Wilbar Jr. <vector_at_hawkmountain.net>
Date: Sat Jan 11 2003 - 13:59:01 EST

Thanks everyone for the suggestions... as I am going to try what I
have on hand first, I took an old scrap hacked up Sega raster G80
back scene hardware board and used a razor blade and took up a pad
and part of the trace that was going at the same angle as the damaged
on on my Tempest board.

Matches up great... I've "roughed" up slightly the pcb material to
get a good epoxy bond, and I'm going to use a light layer of epoxy
to bond it down. It was also slightly longer so I bent a small 90%
bend so it will "hook" over the edge of the pcb by a slight amount to
increase the strength (it doesn't come close to touching the other
side or the connector on the other side once put in a chassis which is
good as it the one opposite is used for something).

I'll let everyone know how it goes... hope to actually do it within a
few days, reassemble and test and see how the epoxy holds up.

Thanks again for all the suggestions... this is the first time I've
ever had to repair a PCB in this manner.

-- Curt

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Received on Sat Jan 11 10:59:18 2003

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