RE: CRT Cross reference manual posted

From: joemagiera <>
Date: Sun May 04 2003 - 20:34:42 EDT

I haven't yet tried to look up any commonly used vector tubes to see if a
replacement is listed, but my first thought/question is are these supposed
to be drop in replacements? i.e., could you use the original yoke, or are
you supposed to use the replacement tube's yoke also? Is there a way to
know the manufacturer of said replacement tube?

Either way, if Ampliphone's Rauland tube or other WG & Electrohome vector
tubes are listed, could be a great resource (assuming the replacements
aren't too hard to find).

So, you lucky few with an Aztarac or Cosmic Chasm, what are the tubes on a
WG6401 or a G08_105?


-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, May 04, 2003 7:12 PM
Subject: VECTOR: CRT Cross reference manual posted

Thanks to Bret Pehrson (spelling error?, and if so I apologize) for scanning
this for me from the paper guide I mailed him.

There are crosses for B&W and color tubes in this, and it is old enough to
be of interest to vector monitor techs and owners. Looks like those crappy
old TVs at yard sales might be worth something after all :)

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