Re: FS Assorted NOS and Used artwork....

From: Curtis H. Wilbar Jr. <>
Date: Fri May 09 2003 - 14:04:17 EDT

yes... realized it after the fact... and didn't feel like
showering 300 people with an apology... but... here it is
anyway.... sorry...

My mail client doesn't offer any choices of reply address
without me manually retyping an address.... so once in a
while I forget before hitting send... sorry all...

>Date: Fri, 9 May 2003 10:17:18 -0700 (PDT)
>From: Neil Bradley <>
>Subject: Re: VECTOR: FS Assorted NOS and Used artwork....
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>> What are you getting for the asteroids bezel ???
>> How much with shipping to Sharon, MA (zip code 02067) ?
>Please direct queries to Brian directly to Brian, not the list. I'm sure
>the other 300+ people here aren't concerned with how much shipping is to
>Sharon, MA. ;-)
>Neil Bradley In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is not
>Synthcom Systems, Inc. king - he's a prisoner.
>ICQ #29402898
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Received on Fri May 9 11:04:22 2003

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