I would think if you could get a black and white tube that is 25"
that has the same pin out, focus grid voltages, heater voltages, etc
as a G05-802 or WG 19V2000, that as long as the tube angle is the same
and the neck size is the same you should be able to transplant the
electronics and yoke to the larger tube and have a nice large B&W
vector monitor for use on your B&W Atari vector games....
that said, I don't know tubes enough to recommend any particular tube
or even if there is a tube that large that matches up at all with the
requirements for a G05-802 or 19V2000.
-- Curt
On Mon, 2003-10-13 at 13:24, Al Warner wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I have a friend that has an Asteroids clone that was previously an Atari
> Football. I'm not sure how they did it but it does indeed work. So I'd
> think Yes.
> -Al-
> > Is it possible to put a larger tube (25") into a 19V2000 (or G05-802)
> > chassis? I mean electrically, not physically.
> >
> > /harry
> >
> >
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