Re: Star Wars

From: Dave Langley <>
Date: Mon Oct 13 2003 - 15:13:02 EDT

At 03:13 am 13 10 2003, you wrote:
>I was just chatting with Steve at Arcadeshop yesterday at the Knoxville
>Auction, he told me that they have only had one return and there was
>nothing wrong with it (the guy putting it in didn't follow directions).

I recently fitted one to one of my Amplifones and when setting it up in
order to get it to focus I was right on the end-stop of the focus pot. The
Screen control was also almost at full travel. I'm happy as it is set up
fine but with no room for error, for information this tube/yoke/deflection
board combo works perfectly with plenty of screen/focus travel with a
Wintroned HV board and the B+ and HV voltages were set up to be spot on the
stated values.

>I am about to re-write the directions for the Amplifone installation of
>the board for him. He's sold a bunch of these and has had only one
>complaint - I'd say you'll be in better shape than new.

I noticed when fitting mine that in the instructions the heater wires were
supposed to be Brown and Brown with black lettering, well both mine had
brown lettering with silver(maybe grey or white?) lettering so I had to con
check the cables to the neck plug to ensure I got it the right way round.

I was also thinking that if anyone knows the designers (or they are on the
list) that if they redo the PCBs it would be helpful to add two more ground
holes somewhere so you don't have to get two wires through on hole where
the molex plug is removed.

>Also, and not many people know this yet, but they have a deflection board
>for the WG-6100 available now as well. They should have a replacement
>vector monitor available next year. Keep that to yourself for now.


Anyway I think this is a fantastic product and my hat goes off to the guys
for making it!

Lastly ....

Is there any chance that schematics/parts lists will be made available at
any point for repairing them? I'm sure they will be nice and reliable,
but nothing lasts for ever. I'd quite like to stock up on any parts on
them that are not likely to be around in 10 years time! (like the flyback)

Dave Langley

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