Flyback is an RCA flyback (PN is still on it). The rest of the circuit is
pretty straight forward and all the parts are common as of now. The inductor
is the only tricky part. It is 280uH and needs to be able to handle 3 amps
or so (probably any inductor from 280uh to 400uh would work. The current is
the issue . I highly doubt the flyback will fail on these as I picked a
Flyback that has been used in many RCA chassis and I never saw one fail in
all my TV repair days. If I had to guess on a failure it would be the
feedback voltage resistors (voltage divider) breaking down over years and
losing there value. This would cause the 180V to either go down or up. If it
goes up then it will shut down if it goes down then the HV would go down and
become dim.
I'd be happy to try to give some theory of operation, but anyone with some
electronics background can look at this and see exactly how it works.
Switching power supply changes 24-30VDC to 180VDC. 180VDC drives the crt
guns and the B+ of the flyback. Osc runs the Hot transistor at 26KHZ or so.
Feedback off the Flyback regulates the osc in PWM fasion to Hot and shuts it
down if to High.
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