> The CCPU is rather easy to implelement thanks in big part to Zonn's reverse engineering !
> It's just sitting down and doing it that's the hard part! Moreover, it'd fit into a
> dirt cheap Spartan II device ... you'd still need space for the code externally.
> Does anyone have a program that'll shuffle the left and right ROMs into one nice file
> (preferably a nice ASCII file instead of binary)? Maybe I'll force myself to get some
> serious work done on this in the comming weeks....we really need this to preserve these
> CCPU based games....if we put the CCPU into an FPGA, it's useless to use that split-ROM
> method Cinematronics had to use.
Tell me what you need, I'll write it. I've also been interested in preserving
the CCPU games, though from the somewhat heretical (from this group's point
of view) aspect of generating C source code from the roms (which should
run on a PC motherboard with the ZVG card, though like you I too have had
too much 'real life' work to work on that project lately. It would be a
lot easier if Zonn had Unix support for the Zektor, or even WinXP - but
last time I looked it all had to be done from DOS. Any updates, Zonn?)
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