I just submitted a diff file for the mhavoc and family driver that adds
speech support to the production havoc PCB. It won't get you anywhere
with Havoc production ROM's tho as Owen never wrote any speech code.
However, the 'Return to Vaxx' hack I did *does* contain speech code. I
have no idea when this will make it into Mame, I just wanted to post it
here as I thought it was slightly interesting.
Notes on this diff....
Jess Askey
Major Havoc actually has space on the production PCB for the TMS5220
speech IC and supporting hardware but it was never used. Major Havoc was
the first game to use Atari's RPM Sound Module across a Master/Slave
processor scenario. In conversations with Owen Rubin, he never remembers
even requesting for the Speech capabilities however.
The Return to Vaxx hack that I did back in the 90's used the speech
circuitry that was not stuffed at the factory. I populated the missing
parts and then spliced in speech code from Return of the Jedi. The
actual speech in 'Return to Vaxx' is my voice that was encoded to LPC
using a tool that I purchased from Quadravox. It is amazing how much the
voice changes once you get it to LPC, I had a *really* hard time getting
anything to sound remotely good with the tools I was using way back
then. The speech exist only in the maze and a 'Warning' voice is heard
when the maze timer reaches 10 seconds left. Similarly, speech is heard
for the 'Three', 'Two', 'One' right before the maze blows up.
The drivers I modified were only for mhavocrv, the other versions of
Major Havoc are not configured to use this hardware as I didn't want to
mess up those drivers.
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