I've got two G05-802/805's - One you have to give it a calibrated bash to get the picture to come up, when it goes off it blooms ( Had to try and repair the transformer, so its likely thats still the cause)
There is another if you tap it the picture goes off for a couple of seconds - These I would say are both HV unit related problems.
I'm thinking that it could be related to the sockets on the pcb for the chassis transistors or the potentiomenter. (Although Its always worth checking out the hv diode, capacitors, reflowing the power connector and such like)
I'm hoping that someone will reproduce the HV units or just the transformers, at a reasonable price some time in the near future,
Cheers, Colin
"Kenneth Thomas Jr." <kthomas@thomasgroupdoors.com> wrote:
v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} w\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);} Hi, I have one that does that also, quite random in it’s occurrence, non working when I bought it, I rebuilt AR pcb, installed heavy gauge ground wires everywhere, had matty-t rebuild deflection pcb, install new big blue, and I think I even replaced all of the connection pins on the pcb wiring harness connections, problem still persists but at least the game works, I doubt it is the HV diode since it doesn’t bloom, would love to know your fix. Kenny
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