Re: Which Chassis to drive a 25" A63ABZ26X ?

From: Colin Davies <>
Date: Sat Jul 05 2008 - 20:53:49 EDT

Good stuff... Thanks Malcolm.

1) The Amp Faq states the 6100 yoke is the same as the amp and can be interchanged - I've got no issues with that.

2) I'm not sure what the angle is on this tube - I think it's 100' - The origonal 25" Amp tube (stated from the FAQ at least ) is 90' - Is that right or a typo ? - as I've been told from another source that was 100' ( A63AAX00X ) - If the angle differs, we will get some pincusion, although it hopefully wont be major.

3) I seached the crt rejuvenators adaptors lists - and both this A63AAX00X and the A63ABZ26X list up as using the same adaptor and the heater voltages match. (19VLUP22 comes up with a different adaptor - although the 6100 FAQ states the plug/socket is phyically different)

4) The 6100 FAQ says the pinouts for both the 6100 and Amp tubes are the same and lists the pinouts which match those in the amp faq - However the pinouts in the WG6100 differ significantly in the schematics - I'm looking at revision 2, which contains some typos so maybe thats the problem ?.)

5) The link I included below makes no mention of the chassis to use, although the title says Wells 6100 to 25" - Maybe I've read too much into it - I'm happy to hold my hands up at this point, pull a face and shout duuuhhh.. Here is the other version of the article... - It mentions Keystoning when using this tube (although it does not say which Yoke to use either !!)



Looks like the New 25" / Old Amp 25" tubes use the same connector type and pinouts - So hopefully it should be a straight swap - I've only got a 19" amp (Thanks Oll) so I can get this working then try the new 25" tube on the working Amp chassis.

WG6100 Yoke = Same as Amp 25" Yoke from what I've been told and what I've read, I've not tried to match Atari part numbers or anything.

I'm not sure if the pinouts are the same on the WG6100 Tube, so my 6100 chassis will not be going near this... The connector and/or pinouts are certainly different anyway as it uses a different Rejuvenator adaptor...

Convergence will probably be a pain in the A$$.....

This excercise was proven that there is a LOT of conflicting information out there......

Further Questions..

Can anyone confirm the correct neck angle ?

Has anyone else tried this ?

Kind Regards, Colin

----- Original Message -----
  From: Malcolm Mackenzie
  Sent: Sunday, July 06, 2008 12:43 AM
  Subject: Re: VECTOR: Which Chassis to drive a 25" A63ABZ26X ?

  I'm attempting to do this as well Colin. My understanding is that you only need the 6100 yoke ( it's the same part as the 25" Amplifone yoke) and then the HV and deflection boards from the Amplifone. -Malcolm

  Colin Davies <> wrote:
    Hi Guys,

    I've been offered a 25" A63ABZ26X picture tube for my Starwars cockpit which is currently fitted with a 19" WG6100. I also have a 19" Amplifone monitor complete.

    Is this a drop in replacement for the origonal amplifone tube running from an amplifone chassis (fitted with 6100 yoke), or do I need to use a 6100 chassis to drive this ?

    I think the pinouts are different on the two chassis / tubes looking at the manuals, but can anyone confirm please ?

    One of the kind members on here has pointed me to this article...which leads me to belive that I do need to use a 6100 chassis / neck board.

    Thanks, Regards,

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