Clay Cowgill wrote:
> (That is nice, I hadn't seen that before...)
> This reminded me-- one of my conversations with Jed Margolin was along these
> same lines (on the WG6100). His concern also was variations in US AC wall
> voltages. What Jed proposed was to do a switcher as sort of a pre-regulator
> to the main power inputs on the WG6100 (so, say +/-30V in or something) and
> then just have an LV2000-like post regulator to get rid of switcher noise
> and take things down to the final voltages. The upside to the switcher of
> course being that if the AC was way overshooting you didn't suddenly have a
> bunch of extra power trying to get cooked off in the transistors.
(fixed typos)
Well, it is a nice section to repair a defective monitor (if it has bad
transistors) but the modification as written for the power supply will
not make the machine more reliable! The problem is he stuck with the
MOLEX pin connectors and did not bypass them! These pin connectors are
fine for signals but will fail if asked to pass any current - sooner or
later. The ground/common jumpers MUST BE BOLTED together. Anything less
will see more smoke escaping from the monitor sooner or later.
I just wish I had taken pictures of my improvements, but have not had a
Sega game in for years as I fixed all the local ones and they simply do
not die any more.
John :-#(#
-- John's Jukes Ltd. 2343 Main St., Vancouver, BC, Canada V5T 3C9 Call (604)872-5757 or Fax 872-2010 (Pinballs, Jukes, VideoGames) "Old pinballers never die, they just flip out" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Unsubscribe, subscribe, or view the archives at ** Please direct other questions, comments, or problems to chris@westnet.comReceived on Tue Jul 22 15:13:50 2008
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