Space Duel watchdogging

From: Kevin Moore <>
Date: Thu Mar 04 2010 - 08:31:44 EST

Well it seems I'm going to get a chance to learn how to troubleshoot a
watchdogging problem on a space duel.

Things I have verified or tested so far.

With my fluke 9010 I have verified the following.

1. Rom Sigs
2. Short, and Long Ram tests. 0000-000F, 2000-27FF Those should be all 6 ram
chip areas correct?
3. Bus test with Fluke
4. CPU
5. AVG chip.
6. Voltages

I'm using a known good test setup, Power, ARII, Harness etc.

The watchdog barks about every 3-4 seconds I assume this is the normal
counter time for the watchdog circuit. I get no actual image of the game on
my scope before it resets, just a small diagonal blip /

Now as I understand it, the code is not running, which in turn never sends
the watchdog clear signal. Normal causes for this are CPU, ROM, RAM, and bad
address, datalines, and buffers. So far all of those things seems to check

So I'm at a loss as to where to start digging next.


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