Vectorlist Archives By Subject
- Asteroids graphics and sound issue
- Asteroids problem....double images (fainter and to the right horizontally)
- Asteroids X axis problem
- Battlezone Troubleshooting
- burning proms
- Clay Cowgill Pincushion boards...
- color WOTW
- Fluke software revs
- Gravitar text color/WG6100 issue
- lv2000 stuff
- shaky asteroids video
- Space Duel watchdogging
- Speed Freak in video...
- Starwars and Amplifone Issue
- TOEI 20" vector monitor
- WG6100 brightness pot not working
- zvg settings and issues
- Last message date: Wed Mar 31 2010 - 12:11:41 EDT
- Archived on: Wed Mar 31 2010 - 12:50:01 EDT